Remember to Register Your eScooter by 31 March 2019 for FREE!

By 31 March 2019, all owners need to register their e-scooters and be issued with a unique registration number, and they are required to fabricate an Identification Mark bearing this unique registration number.

LTA will also issue a separate Registration Mark to the registrant. Owners will be given a grace period of 14 calendar days from the date of registration to affix the LTA Registration Mark and an Identification Mark (bearing the unique registration number assigned to the e-scooter) prominently on the e-scooter to help identify it easily. 



To encourage owners to register their e-scooters early, the registration fee of $20 will be waived for e-scooters registered by 31 March 2019. E-scooter registration is aimed at deterring reckless riding and facilitating enforcement efforts against errant riders to improve public safety for all path users. 

It is an offence to ride a registered e-scooter on public paths without the Identification Mark or LTA Registration Mark beyond the grace period. 




From 1 July 2019, it will be an offence to ride an unregistered e-scooter on public paths. Offenders can face a maximum penalty of $5,000 fine and/or 6 months’ jail term. It is also an offence to tamper with or remove either the LTA Registration Mark or Identification Mark. First-time offenders can be fined up to $1,000 and/or imprisoned up to 3 months, with heavier penalties for repeat offenders.



Personal liability insurance

Consider protecting yourself from personal accident expenses and third-party injury claims by buying e-scooter insurance. Here are some products available on the market:

Source: AAS

This list is not meant to be exhaustive, nor does it mean that LTA endorses or recommends these products. You should make your own assessment on the product that best meets your needs.



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