Man Offer S$100 for Nissan Latio in Singapore?

S$100 for a Singapore car? An unknown man contacted a seller for his car posted in a popular online car website for buying and selling in Singapore…

After some brief conversation, the man made a ridiculous offer of S$100 for the seller’s used Nissan Latio, which he was selling for at least S$11,000.

The man explained that since the car will be scraped with very low value, it will be better off than selling him at a cheaper price.

The seller then ended the conversation by asking the buyer to get a toy car instead..


Here is the conversation between the man and the seller to start with..


The Nissan Latio for sale is similar to this model in the photograph below:


An advertisement in the mentioned website for Nissan Latio:


Here are the screen grabs for the rest of the actual conversation between the man and the seller:


Are the cars in Singapore that worthless when the COE – “Certificate of Entitlement” expires?

Have anyone wonder why all authorized scrapyards in Singapore are offering miserably low amounts for the car “body”, despite most of them are still road-worthy..??
